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‘Tis the Season For Giving – Giving Away Shoes That Is!
Stikii Inc., of Toledo, Ohio, spent the past several months running a shoe drive aimed at collecting new and gently worn shoes for local northwest Ohio residents. Their goal: To accumulate 1,000 pairs of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes to be donated to those in need of warm feet. And boy did they surpass that goal!
Stikii began its First Annual Shoe Drive this past summer after realizing just how many children and adults in the community did not have a decent pair of shoes to wear. The drive began with a BANG (and by bang, we mean fireworks) on the 4th of July and continued through September. Stikii, along with numerous other companies, organizations and individuals came together and helped to donate shoes in various different sizes, styles and colors. When the shoe drive finally came to a close, over 1,000 pairs had been collected.
On Sunday, November 11th, 2012 Stikii and friends hosted a Shoe Giveaway at the South Toledo Community Center. Before the event had even begun, 250 individuals had already signed up to receive shoes. From Noon until 7:00 PM, Stikii and other volunteers distributed shoes to local residents – with nearly 380 served during the first hour of the event! Adults and children alike lined up to receive a pair of shoes in anticipation of the winter weather that is just around the corner. In addition to shoes, the giveaway included a hearty meal served to anyone whose stomach could hold it.
At the end of the day, over 500 people were able to walk home with shoes on their feet. The event was an overwhelming success, and truly helped those in need. In fact, the event aided so many individuals and attracted so many individuals that Stikii Inc. plans to make this an annual event. After all, there is no limit on the happiness you can give to others.
During a time when jobs and money are few and far between, so are shoes, and Stikii was overjoyed to be able to contribute to the well-being of their neighbors.